Oct. 20, 2020 – The City Council will be considering the sale of General Obligation Corporate Bonds this cycle. The proceeds from the sale will be used to finance the Fiscal Year 2021 Capital Improvement Program. If this all sounds familiar, City Council approved October 28, 2020 as the sale date during the last Council cycle.
City Council will review the plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimate of cost for the Blackhawk Creek Stabilization Project. This project has been designed to address erosion along the stream bank that is threatening to undermine a section of Indian Road and several adjacent properties.
A Public Hearing will be held on October 21 on the proposed conveyance of the Heritage property located at 501 W 3rd St to Foundation Housing, who has a great track record of long-term ownership/management and renovation of similar affordable properties. Foundation Housing owns 100 properties in 21 states, including Illinois and Iowa, of which approximately one-third are senior/disabled properties. Additionally, City Council will consider approving the conveyance of the Heritage property this Council cycle.
Effective yesterday with the issuance of Mayor Matson’s Executive Order, the City of Davenport will be returning to previously utilized operating procedures in response to COVID-19 which includes hybrid City Council meetings, limiting audience attendance, and instituting limited access to City facilities. In addition, masks are now mandatory in City facilities.
The Mayor and City Council still want to hear from you! Citizens can submit comments regarding agenda items to [email protected] by 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday and can view the meetings live at www.davenportiowa.com/watchlive.