Inspection Application for Consumer Fireworks Retail Sales
Davenport Fire Department
331 Scott Street
Davenport, Iowa 52801
1. A completed Inspection Application shall be submitted to City Hall: Revenue Department, 226 W. 4th St., prior to any retail sales being conducted.
2. The completed Inspection Application shall include the following documents:
A. Detailed Site Plan to include:
a. Floor plan and layout of display and storage areas
b. Identified means of egress
c. Fire extinguisher type and location
d. Separation distances from public ways, buildings, vehicle access, and parking areas
B. Record of on-site inventory
C. Fire Alarm/Fire Sprinkler inspections records, if applicable.
D. Employee safety training records
E. Written evacuation plan
F. Inspection Fee of $75.00
a. In the event a re-inspection is required, the re-inspection fee schedule will apply.
3. It shall be the sole responsibility, for the retailer, to schedule an inspection with the Davenport Fire Department Fireworks Inspector, prior to any retail sales. A site inspection and City of Davenport fees, paid in full, shall be required before paperwork can be forwarded to the State Fire Marshal’s Office, for a State issued license.
4. At the conclusion of the Fire Department Inspection and City of Davenport fees, paid in full, all documents will be forwarded to the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
5. Retails sales shall only be valid during the dates identified. Any sales outside the dates will result in a minimum fine of $250.00, and potential criminal charges.