The City of Davenport has been awarded a $13.1 million dollar grant from the Federal Highway Administration’s Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, Cost-savings Transportation (PROTECT) Grant Program toward this $16.4 million project involving multiple flood resilience projects that will improve the city’s flood resiliency and transportation efficiency during times of flooding. Just announced, planning will begin soon with construction to follow over the next two years.
When completed, the projects will establish a permanent flood detour route for large-scale flood events, ensure access to Centennial and Arsenal Bridges during periods of major flooding, and improve transportation safety at the intersections of 3rd & 4th Streets at River Drive.
View full press release at this link.
The City continues to seek funding through US DOT grant applications for various storm sewer improvements and minor road raises along 3rd and 4th Streets as a flood mitigation project with transportation benefits. The scope is the same as a previous, unsuccessful RAISE grant application and the current PROTECT grant application. The PROTECT grant application is still pending awards. It is unknown when announcements will be made. If not awarded, the City is staged to submit another application for RAISE grant funds in February of 2024.
The projects identified for improved flood resiliency and transportation efficiency during times of flooding have been submitted for a PROTECT grant from the Federal Highway Administration. If awarded, the grant would provide $13.1 million of funding toward the $16.4 million project.

A second application for grant funds through the RAISE program was submitted by staff early 2023. The City has recently been informed it was not awarded funds under the program. Staff will debrief with the panel and currently looking to potentially pursuing PROTECT funds for this essential project.
After making it through several rounds, the City was informed it was not approved for this year’s grant cycle. Reviewers provided great feedback that will bolster a second submission in the spring of 2023.
Davenport submitted the RAISE grant on April 13, 2022. The City should find out if it is awarded the grant in the fall/winter of 2022.
Davenport City Council approved submission of the $15.9M RAISE grant.
Davenport City Council will consider authorizing staff to pursue a $15.9M US Department of Transportation RAISE Grant for infrastructure improvements that support flood resilience on Wednesday, March 16. The total project application is estimated at $19.9M; 80% of the eligible cost would be paid under the grant if awarded. The City's cost-share is estimated at $3.9M.
- Projects proposed under the grant support the following goals:
Maintaining access to River Drive until the Mississippi River reaches stage 17.5 FT with little to no staff intervention/response
- Establishes a permanent flood detour route to river stage 22 FT once River Drive has been closed due to floodwaters
- Ensures interstate access to the Centennial and Government Bridges during flood events greater than 22 FT river stage
Projects that would be completed under the grant include:
- Storm Sewer Improvements at River Drive and Marquette Street
- Road Raises on Rockingham Road from Sturdevant to Marquette Street
- Road Raise on River Drive near Mound Street
- Road Raise at the intersection of 2nd Street and Gaines Street
- Road Raise at the intersection of 3rd Street and LeClaire Street
- Repair of various sections of roadway on Rockingham Road and Marquette Street
- Reconfiguration of the 3rd & 4th Street intersections on River Drive
- Installation of new traffic signals at the following intersections, 2nd and Marquette, 3rd and River Drive, 4th and River Drive
Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants are federally awarded funding for surface transportation infrastructure projects. They are awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant local or regional impact. The eligibility requirements of RAISE allow project sponsors at the State and local levels to obtain funding for multi-modal, multi-jurisdictional projects that are more difficult to support through traditional DOT programs.
Projects submitted for RAISE grant funding are evaluated based on: how innovative they are; how well they will enhance safety and quality of life for people; and how well they support economic competitiveness and environmental sustainability of localities and regions. Within these criteria, the USDOT will prioritize funding projects that can demonstrate improvements to racial equity, reduce impacts of climate change and create good-paying jobs.
Find the grant application document and details at this link.