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W Locust Resurfacing, Clark to Lincoln

W Locust Resurfacing, Clark to Lincoln
Posted on 09/06/2024
W Locust Resurfacing, Clark to Lincoln

Work on W Locust is progressing. Over the next week or two, watch for intermittent periods of flashing red traffic signals at the intersection of Locust and Clark while the electrical is upgraded. Remember to treat the intersection as a 4-way stop when lights are flashing.

As milling takes place and travel lanes transition on W Locust between Lincoln and Clark, remember to reduce your speed when crossing milled to paved surfaces; there is an approximately 2-inch drop off to the milled surface.

This project has been postponed to August 19.

Resurfacing and infrastructure improvements are coming to W Locust St between Clark and Lincoln tentatively beginning Monday, August 12. The overall resurfacing project will include targeted repairs, milling and asphalt overlay, traffic signal upgrades, and ADA-compliant curb ramp/sidewalk installation.

Initially, the work zone will require transient lane reductions for sewer repairs and then transition to the closure of two lanes on one side of the street for milling and resurfacing. Once one side of the road is complete, work will flip for milling and resurfacing and then transition back to transient lane reductions.

One lane of travel in each direction on Locust will be maintained. To reduce traffic backups and improve safety in the work zone, left turns at non-signalized intersections or driveways will not be permitted.

Be alert when traveling through the area for changing traffic control and those in the work zone.

The project is estimated to be complete mid-to-late November, pending weather and subsurface conditions.