"Great Jobs, Great Neighborhoods and building a Great Future" is more than just a motto - it guides everything the Davenport Community & Economic Development Department does. Attracting new business, improving neighborhoods, smart land use planning and building a better community are what we do.
Housing Programs
The City of Davenport offers a variety of federally funded housing programs for current homeowners in the community as well as individuals that are working towards the goal of home ownership. Our dedicated staff will work with interested individuals to determine eligibility for one of our available programs.
Click here For more information on our Housing Programs
Economic Development
Davenport - the largest city and economic engine of the bi-state Quad-Cities area - is a premier place to start or grow your business. Our economic development staff is ready to connect businesses with the resources they need to create jobs and improve the quality of life in Davenport. Let us know your plans and we can help guide you to the resources available. Anything goes! From a cozy downtown clothing store to a large industrial facility, we are saving a seat in Davenport for you.
Click Here For more information regarding Economic Development
NorthPark Mall Market Analysis Presentation
NorthPark Mall Market Analysis Final Report
Recognized Neighborhood
Davenport's Recognized Neighborhood Program seeks to recognize neighborhood groups throughout the city of Davenport; groups are presented with a Certificate of Recognition from the Mayor and City Council, consulted about issues in their area, and eligible for city assistance with neighborhood projects and plans.
Click here For more information regarding Neighborhood Resources
The Housing Choice Voucher Office (HCV) provides rental assistance to low-income families and to individuals who are elderly, physically or mentally disabled. This office also staffs the Davenport Housing Commission.
HCV administers the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program within our jurisdiction of Davenport, Iowa.
The Housing Choice Voucher Waitlist is currently closed.
Click Here For more information regarding HCV
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Each year the City receives two primary community development grants from the federal government:
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), approximately $1 Million per year
- HOME Investment Partnership, approximately $300,000 per year
These funds are for activities benefiting low and moderate income residents and are restricted to uses that meet federal regulations in the areas of affordable housing, community development, and economic development through several different Programs and Grants.
Click Here For more information regarding CDBG
Contact Us:
Community and Economic Development
226 West 4th Street
Davenport, IA 52802
[email protected] (563) 326-7765