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Better Roads Davenport

Change is happening. Bear with us!

Street and sewer improvements can lead to inevitable slowdowns and traffic reroutes. We ask that you keep your eye on the prize: a city with enhanced livability that can support existing business infrastructure as well as attract new companies. It’s a short-term hassle with long-term payoffs.

As always, safety is our number one priority. Staying calm and following construction zone signage will help us achieve that.

As we work to modernize the sewer and street infrastructure to support growth and a vibrant future for our community, remember: there are better roads ahead, Davenport!

Picture of sign with words Road Work Ahead

Current Traffic Updates

This Just In 

  • 09.10.24 Be alert for changes to the work zone at W Central Park and Marquette! Beginning Wednesday, September 11, northbound Marquette will be detoured at Lombard, and southbound Marquette will be open through the intersection. The intersection is estimated to re-open mid-October. In the meantime, stay tuned for good news on the Division and W Central Park intersection sometime in the next week. View updated detour map at this link. 

  • Work on the flood resilience project at Marquette and River Dr was temporarily suspended this past spring due to subsurface conditions identified. July flooding further delayed the project’s completion. With river levels finally dropping back to and below 7 FT, storm sewer pipes where work is being performed are sufficiently clear to resume work. Watch for updates in a few weeks as work progresses. 
  •  Work on W Locust is progressing. Over the next week or two, watch for intermittent periods of flashing red traffic signals at the intersection of Locust and Clark while the electrical is upgraded. Remember to treat the intersection as a 4-way stop when lights are flashing.
  • Watch for updates on the intersections of Central Park and Division, and Marquette and Division next week.
  • In July, the City performed smoke testing of the sanitary sewer lines in the Silver Creek area. As a result of smoke testing a variety of maintenance and improvement needs were identified. In follow-up, the City has contracted for cleaning and televised inspection of several sewer line segments throughout the area. Residents of the area are likely to see short-term transient lane reductions as the contractor moves through the area over the next two months.
  • Iowa American has various water main and hydrant work happening across the City, including work on Division between 3rd and 4th, Summit Lane and Prospect Terrace, E 3rd and Pershing, E 3rd and River Dr, W 47th and Pine, Ricker Hill and Concord, Ricker Hill and Arkansas, and Bridge and 9th St.  

Neighborhood Streets


Major Projects

Closures for Special Events

All Other Street Closures & Lane Reductions (List)

Image of Alert Iowa Banner

Sign-up for Alerts and Report a Pothole

Sign-up for Notices

  • Text betterroads to 672-83 to receive notices about changes in significant construction projects.
  • Sign-up for text, e-mail and/or phone notifications about significant construction projects and other news and notices such as our weekly edition of This Week's Commute, Snow Emergency Declarations, Flood Updates and more. 

Report a Pothole by:

  • Submitting your request on-line our using the SeeClickFix app (download from Google Play or the App Store), or
  • Calling us at 563.326.7923, 7 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday (except holidays)

Picture of slide and walking path in park

Park Access Impacted by Construction

  • Just before river stages began climbing, the contractor was able to complete the bulk of the work on the River Dr flood resilience project between 3rd and Tremont. Now that river levels have fallen further, the section of road has re-opened. As for the bike path, flooding has further delayed the completion of this component of the project. At this time, we cannot estimate when the bike path section will re-open as river levels will need to drop nearer to 10 FT and coordination with the railroad will be required before work can be finished on the underground sewer line and structures.

    We will keep the community posted as more information becomes available.

  • The work zone for the Duck Creek Sewer Interceptor project is expanding.  Beginning the week of July 15 the Duck Creek Recreational Trail at Fairmount will be closed. Find details and trail impacts at this link.

Image of construction worker with BRAD acronym

BRAD | Better Roads Ahead Davenport

Meet BRAD. He is all about Better Roads Ahead for Davenport, and helping to reduce frustration when building better roads disrupts travel routes.  Find out when BRAD’s work might impact a major road near you by texting BetterRoads to 69310 or using this website,, for more details and other resources.

Picture of a white truck

For Contractors

Contractors, or their designee, must submit an application to close a road or reduce travel lanes in the right-of-way at least three business days in advance of the closure unless emergency conditions exist.  Work cannot commence until the application is approved. 

Submit an application at this link.

image of female professional with GIA acronym

GIA | Great Infrastructure Ahead

Meet GIA.  She is all about planning for the future of our community. While BRAD will help keep you informed of current construction, GIA is navigating codes, design and budgets. Look for GIA and Great Infrastructure Ahead announcements as City Council approves budgets and designs for projects coming down the pipe.


Davenport Public Works
1200 E 46th St, Davenport, IA
Davenport, IA 52807