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Davenport Flood Resilience Study Implementation

Davenport Flood Resilience Study Implementation
Posted on 10/11/2024
Davenport Flood Resilience Study Implementation

The first phase of the flood resilience project at Marquette and River Dr is now complete and Marquette between River Dr and 2nd St has reopened. The project has now moved into the next phase, requiring closure of the right eastbound lane on River Dr just west of Marquette. The closure will last approximately one week as crews prepare to make storm pipe and manhole improvements south of the intersection. Once work south of the intersection begins Marquette will be closed south of River Drive. Watch for changing traffic control as work on this significant stormwater system redesign and improvement continues.

Black Hawk and Walnut Creek Berm Repairs • In Process

Davenport is taking another step forward in improved flood resilience. 

Phase 2 rehabilitation of the permanent berms on Black Hawk and Walnut Creeks was completed earlier this summer; on its heels, Phase 3 began last week. This phase will install six new gate valves and structures on the storm sewer system connected to the creeks. 

Designed to prevent Black Hawk and Walnut Creeks from backing up the storm sewer system during high creek and river levels, the new gates and structures will replace equipment dating to the early 1960s. System modernization will improve flood-fighting operations and overall stormwater removal from the land side of the system. 

The project is estimated to be complete by the end of December, followed by pump station modernization in later phases.

Map image of area to be cleared along Walnut and Black Hawk Creeks10/18/23
Phase 2 rehabilitation along Black Hawk and Walnut Creeks is starting this fall. Rehabilitation will begin with a general maintenance item, trapping nuisance and burrowing animals as necessary to maintain the structural integrity of the berms. Phase 2 clearing will follow through the winter with the removal of hazardous woody material and general clearing. Adjacent work continues with project scoping to improve flood mitigation structures in the area, such as pumps and potential sloping and fortification of the berms.

A grant to perform work adjacent to Black Hawk and Walnut Creeks could benefit the area. While not directly related to the earthen berms, the project would remove sediments from Credit Island Slough and educe sedimentation occurring at the confluence between the Mississippi River and Black Hawk Creek, increasing capacity and reducing flood risk. See the Credit Island tab for additional details.


Staff is the planning stage for implementation of Phase Two, clearing and repair. Work is expected to begin in the spring of 2023. Once complete, a new maintenance schedule will be implemented.

Phase One clearing along the Black Hawk and Walnut Creek berms is complete. Engineering is underway for Phase Two repairs. Work under Phase Two is tentatively scheduled to begin in the fall of 2022.

Maintenance of the berms along Black Hawk and Walnut Creeks is long overdue. The City is currently working to remove overgrown weeds, brush and scrub trees, and relocate burrowing animals, all of which threaten the structure's integrity. This work is expected to be complete in early April.

After clearing is complete, the berms will be inspected and condition assessment performed to prioritize any needed repairs.

Credit Island • In Process

The City of Davenport has submitted an application through the United States Army Corps of Engineers to restore Credit Island Slough. This project would address the continued sedimentation of the slough, help manage an invasive species (Asian carp), reduce flood risk for Blackhawk Creek and the surrounding neighborhoods, prevent repeated flood damage of the causeway, and open recreational uses of the slough, among other benefits. The City of Davenport is hoping to partner with the USACE to determine, plan, design, and implement solutions.

Riverfront Storm Sewer Updates & Road Raises • Incremental Step Reduces Flood Response • Grant Request


The City of Davenport has been awarded a $13.1 million dollar grant from the Federal Highway Administration’s Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, Cost-savings Transportation (PROTECT) Grant Program toward this $16.4 million project involving multiple flood resilience projects that will improve the city’s flood resiliency and transportation efficiency during times of flooding. Just announced, planning will begin soon with construction to follow over the next two years.

When completed, the projects will establish a permanent flood detour route for large-scale flood events, ensure access to Centennial and Arsenal Bridges during periods of major flooding, and improve transportation safety at the intersections of 3rd & 4th Streets at River Drive.

View full press release at this link.

The City continues to seek funding through US DOT grant applications for various storm sewer improvements and minor road raises along 3rd and 4th Streets as a flood mitigation project with transportation benefits. The scope is the same as a previous, unsuccessful RAISE grant application and the current PROTECT grant application. The PROTECT grant application is still pending awards. It is unknown when announcements will be made. If not awarded, the City is staged to submit another application for RAISE grant funds in February of 2024.

The projects identified for improved flood resiliency and transportation efficiency during times of flooding have been submitted for a PROTECT grant from the Federal Highway Administration. If awarded, the grant would provide $13.1 million of funding toward the $16.4 million project.

Map image identifying project locations for the grant

A second application for grant funds through the RAISE program was submitted by staff early 2023. The City has recently been informed it was not awarded funds under the program.  Staff will debrief with the panel and currently looking to potentially pursuing PROTECT funds for this essential project. 

After making it through several rounds, the City was informed it was not approved for this year’s grant cycle. Reviewers provided great feedback that will bolster a second submission in the spring of 2023.

Davenport submitted the RAISE grant on April 13, 2022. The City should find out if it is awarded the grant in the fall/winter of 2022.

Davenport City Council approved submission of the $15.9M RAISE grant. 

Davenport City Council will consider authorizing staff to pursue a $15.9M US Department of Transportation RAISE Grant for infrastructure improvements that support flood resilience on Wednesday, March 16. The total project application is estimated at $19.9M; 80% of the eligible cost would be paid under the grant if awarded. The City's cost-share is estimated at $3.9M.

  • Projects proposed under the grant support the following goals:
    Maintaining access to River Drive until the Mississippi River reaches stage 17.5 FT with little to no staff intervention/response
  • Establishes a permanent flood detour route to river stage 22 FT once River Drive has been closed due to floodwaters
  • Ensures interstate access to the Centennial and Government Bridges during flood events greater than 22 FT river stage

Projects that would be completed under the grant include:

  •  Storm Sewer Improvements at River Drive and Marquette Street
  • Road Raises on Rockingham Road from Sturdevant to Marquette Street
  • Road Raise on River Drive near Mound Street
  • Road Raise at the intersection of 2nd Street and Gaines Street
  • Road Raise at the intersection of 3rd Street and LeClaire Street
  • Repair of various sections of roadway on Rockingham Road and Marquette Street
  • Reconfiguration of the 3rd & 4th Street intersections on River Drive
  • Installation of new traffic signals at the following intersections, 2nd and Marquette, 3rd and River Drive, 4th and River Drive  

Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants are federally awarded funding for surface transportation infrastructure projects. They are awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant local or regional impact. The eligibility requirements of RAISE allow project sponsors at the State and local levels to obtain funding for multi-modal, multi-jurisdictional projects that are more difficult to support through traditional DOT programs.

Projects submitted for RAISE grant funding are evaluated based on: how innovative they are; how well they will enhance safety and quality of life for people; and how well they support economic competitiveness and environmental sustainability of localities and regions. Within these criteria, the USDOT will prioritize funding projects that can demonstrate improvements to racial equity, reduce impacts of climate change and create good-paying jobs.

Find the grant application document and details at this link. 

River Dr between 3rd and Tremont • In Process

Follow updates on this project at this link. 


Starting soon, this project will prevent backflow from the Mississippi River into the storm sewer by installing gate valves and improving the storm sewer system in the River Drive area between 3rd Street and Tremont Avenue. Once complete, the updates will keep E River Drive near 3rd and 4th Streets open until the seawall is overtopped at Stage 22.5 FT, 5 Ft higher than without the project. 

Work will begin in River Heritage Park and transition to River Drive with minor lane reductions in early spring.

This project is expected to be released for bid in March of 2023.  Watch for details when construction begins.

One of the key early projects identified in the Flood Resiliency Study is flood mitigation on River Drive between 3rd and Carey. The City is using ARPA funding to advance the project and engineering is underway. The project will involve storm sewer system improvements that will prevent flood waters from inundating the area through the underground sewer system; which is what currently occurs.

River Dr and Marquette St Area • In Process

Work on the flood resilience project at Marquette and River Dr was temporarily suspended this past spring due to subsurface conditions identified. July flooding further delayed the project’s completion. With river levels finally dropping back to and below 7 FT, storm sewer pipes where work is being performed are sufficiently clear to resume work. Watch for updates in a few weeks as work progresses. 

A second high-priority flood resilience project will get underway soon! Preceded by utility updates, work at Marquette Street and River Drive will make storm sewer and valve improvements to stop backflow from the Mississippi River into the storm sewer system and the road at this location. Once this project is complete, the City can keep the intersection open with minimal staff intervention or pumping through stage 18.0 FT.  This will increase the flood protection at this location to 3.5 feet higher than without the project.

The initial construction phase will require the closure of the north lanes on River Drive and the complete closure of Marquette Street between 2nd Street and River Drive. One lane of travel in each direction on River Drive will be maintained. Once this stage is complete, work will flip to the southern lanes and close Marquette Street south of River Drive, with a short detour to access the basketball courts, dog-off-leash park, and Marquette Boat Ramp.

Watch for periodic updates as the project progresses. All work is estimated to be completed by late fall.

The City has been awarded a grant for this project. Expected to begin late winter/early Spring 2024, this project will also make storm sewer and valve improvements that prevent backflow from the Mississippi River into the storm sewer system. Once this project is complete, the City can keep the intersection open without staff intervention or pumping through stage 18.0 FT.


In April 2023, Davenport City Council approved submission of a FEMA Legislative Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant under the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management for storm sewer improvements and a potential road raise at River Dr and Marquette St to keep the intersection open longer and without operational intervention/cost during Mississippi River flooding and heavy rain events.

The grant request is currently under review. In consideration of the grant, a fifteen-day comment period has been opened beginning July 31, 2023 through August 15, 2023.  Public Comments may be submitted to FEMA. Find the full Final Public Notice and contact information at this link.

The total cost of the project is estimated at roughly $1.69 million. With Federal grant funds of roughly $1.27 million and State grant funds of $169 thousand, the City’s cost-share for the work would be $253 thousand.

Watch for updates on the grant and project this fall.

This project is one of the key early implementation projects identified in the Flood Resiliency Study accepted by Council in 2021.

Union Station • In Process

The City continues to work though this process with FEMA. 


FEMA has requested a supplemental archaeological study based on the flood defense structures to be placed. The City does not expect to hear back on the application to FEMA until early 2023.

As required by FEMA, a phase one environmental and archaeological study is underway. Once the study is complete in the fall, the City should hear back on the its application to FEMA for flood resilience improvements at the facility. 

In 2019, the failure of temporary flood barriers led to the flooding of the City's historic Union Station. Cleanup was performed and electrical raised shortly after. The City has been working through the FEMA Public Assistance process to fund the installation of a structural berm on the south side of the building to improve the flood resilience of the facility. The City believes the project will be approved and constructed in 2022.

Past activity

2024 Implementation Updates & Highlights

Davenport is taking another step forward in improved flood resilience. 

Phase 2 rehabilitation of the permanent berms on Black Hawk and Walnut Creeks was completed earlier this summer; on its heels, Phase 3 began last week. This phase will install six new gate valves and structures on the storm sewer system connected to the creeks. 

Designed to prevent Black Hawk and Walnut Creeks from backing up the storm sewer system during high creek and river levels, the new gates and structures will replace equipment dating to the early 1960s. System modernization will improve flood-fighting operations and overall stormwater removal from the land side of the system. 

The project is estimated to be complete by the end of December, followed by pump station modernization in later phases.

A second high-priority flood resilience project begin on April 1! Preceded by utility updates, work at Marquette Street and River Drive will make storm sewer and valve improvements to stop backflow from the Mississippi River into the storm sewer system and the road at this location. Once this project is complete, the City can keep the intersection open with minimal staff intervention or pumping through stage 18.0 FT.  This will increase the flood protection at this location to 3.5 feet higher than without the project.

The initial construction phase will require the complete closure of Marquette Street between 2nd Street and River Drive and have lane reductions through the intersection. One lane of travel in each direction on River Drive will be maintained. Once this stage is complete, in approximately late May/early June, work will close Marquette Street south of River Drive, with a short detour to access the basketball courts, dog-off-leash park, and Marquette Boat Ramp.

Watch for periodic updates as the project progresses. All work is estimated to be completed by late fall.

The flood resilience project along and adjacent to River Dr between 3rd St and Tremont is moving right along. Beginning February 19, River Dr will be reduced to one lane in each direction between 3rd St and Oneida. Motorists should be aware the lane reduction will come with a restriction – no left hand turns from east or westbound lanes. This is to ensure traffic movement. Plan your route accordingly to access your favorite destinations along this stretch.

This part of the project will install new storm sewer lines and valves. Lane reductions are expected to end in late June/early July, pending weather and subsurface conditions.

Work in the adjacent area along the riverfront and recreational path will continue through mid-to-late March. The recreational path will remain closed until equipment and the work zone are removed from the area.

2023 Implementation Updates & Highlights

Starting soon! The City of Davenport will begin work on another high-priority flood resilience project identified in the 2021 Flood Resilience Study. The project will prevent backflow from the Mississippi River into the storm sewer by installing gate valves and improving the storm sewer system in the River Drive area between 3rd Street and Tremont Avenue. Once complete, the updates will keep E River Drive near 3rd and 4th Streets open until the seawall is overtopped at Stage 22.5 FT, 5 Ft higher than without the project. Work will begin in River Heritage Park and transition to River Drive with minor lane reductions in early spring.

A second high-priority project at Marquette Street and River Drive will follow sometime in late winter/early spring. This project will also make storm sewer and valve improvements that prevent backflow from the Mississippi River into the storm sewer system. Once this project is complete, the City can keep the intersection open without staff intervention or pumping through stage 18.5 FT.

The City continues to seek funding through US DOT grant applications for various storm sewer improvements and minor road raises along 3rd and 4th Streets as a flood mitigation project with transportation benefits. The scope is the same as a previous, unsuccessful RAISE grant application and the current PROTECT grant application. The PROTECT grant application is still pending awards. It is unknown when announcements will be made. If not awarded, the City is staged to submit another application for RAISE grant funds in February of 2024.

Outside the study, the City continues to work toward completing Phase 1, 2, and 3 improvements to defend the regional Water Pollution Control Plant and neighboring Davenport Compost Facility from the Mississippi River during high river stages. The Phase 1 berm and pumping improvements are currently in the permitting process. Phase 2 remains on hold for funding. And a contract for Phase 3 engineering to improve access to the facility during river stages greater than 21 FT is expected to be awarded in January 2024.

Phase 2 rehabilitation along Black Hawk and Walnut Creeks is starting this fall. Rehabilitation will begin with a general maintenance item, trapping nuisance and burrowing animals as necessary to maintain the structural integrity of the berms. Phase 2 clearing will follow through the winter with the removal of hazardous woody material and general clearing. Adjacent work continues with project scoping to improve flood mitigation structures in the area, such as pumps and potential sloping and fortification of the berms.

Two flood resilience grants are in the que. 

  • Riverfront Stormsewer Updates & Road Raises
  • Credit Island

We have two project updates on implementation of the multi-year Flood Resilience Study.  One for the Marquette St and River Dr area, and one for other Riverfront storm sewer improvements and road raises. 

  • A Final Public Notice and Comment Period for the City's application for FEMA Legislative Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant under the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management is currently open as part of consideration of a grant for storm sewer improvements and potential road raise at Marquette and River Dr. The fifteen-day comment period ends August 15, 2023.  Public Comments may be submitted to FEMA. Find the full Final Public Notice and contact information at this link.
  • Davenport was not selected for the RAISE Grant application submitted for riverfront storm sewer and road raise projects. 

Find more details on both projects at the links below. 

2022 Implementation Updates & Highlights

Davenport's work to improve the City's resilience to floods will continue for several years. Find updates on current projects at the links below. 

Davenport has been busy.  Find updates all Union Station, the berms at Black Hawk and Walnut Creeks, the RAISE grant a new project underway at the links below. 

Davenport City Council approved submission of a $15.9M RAISE grant for several flood resilience projects. Find details about the grant and the projects at the tab below. 

Following the historic floods of 2019, the City contracted a flood study to help identify structural and non-structural enhancements to the City's flood response and defense systems. The study was approved by Council in November 2021 after nearly two years of data collection, analysis, stakeholder, and public input.

Planning for implementation began immediately and is now underway. Most initial activities will be focused on underground infrastructure, minor road raises, and repairs to existing structural flood defense systems in poor repair. Targeting these initial improvements comes with considerable benefits, including more efficient response and reduced resource needs during times of flood.

Use this page to follow along as the City strengthens its response to riverfront flooding.  Be aware full implementation of the recommendations identified in the study will require significant funding and take time to implement.