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Administration Division

The Administration Division is under the command of Major Jamie Brown.  Major Brown is the Assistant Chief of Police.  The Internal Affairs Officer, the Public Safety Communications and Logistics Manager, the Business Analyst,  and one Senior Administrative Assistant support the division.


photo - Major Jamie Brown

Emergency Services Team

The Emergency Services Team is a group of officers trained in special weapons and tactics. The team consists of three elements: tactical, marksmen/observers, and negotiators. The team responds when requested to assist with medium to high-risk search warrants, barricaded subjects with a weapon, hostage situations, suicidal subjects, and any other occasion where the training and skills of the officers can be utilized to assist in resolving the incident. EST tactical and marksmen officers are required to maintain a level of physical fitness and shooting skills which allow them to complete these assignments.

Internal Affairs

The Davenport Police Department recognizes the importance of maintaining proper professional conduct and being accountable to the citizens we serve. The Department assigns one command level officer as the Internal Affairs Officer who is a member of the Administration Division and answers directly to the Chief of Police and Assistant Chief of Police. The Internal Affairs Officer is responsible for investigating allegations of improper conduct by any employee of the Davenport Police Department.

It is the policy of the Davenport Police Department to thoroughly investigate any allegation of wrong-doing by any Department employee while protecting the rights of the accused employee. Complaints may be submitted in person, by telephone, by e-mail or by mail. Download a printable Citizen Complaint Report here.

Contact Information:
[email protected]

LGBT Liaison

The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) Liaison Officer is to build-on and strengthen the relationship between the LGBT community and the Davenport Police Department by creating a mutual trust and confidence in the Police through the provision of fair and professional policing services.

The actions taken by the Davenport Police Department in dealing with incidents of racial, religious, ethnic/national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other acts of bias, are visible signs of its concern and commitment to this community.  Special emphasis will be placed on victim assistance, community cooperation and public safety response in order to reduce victim/community trauma, fear, repeat victimization or retaliatory acts.

Lieutenant Nicholas Shorten, serves as the Davenport Police Department's LGBT Liaison. Lieutenant Shorten can be contacted at 563-888-3565 or by emailing [email protected].