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Floodplain Maps

Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), produced by the Flood Insurance Administration (FIA), are used to determine whether a property is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) also known as the 100-year, or regulated flood plain.

Properties located in a SFHA may be required to have flood insurance.  An approved floodplain development permit application may also be required to perform any type work on a property located in a SFHA.

You can find out if a property is in a SFHA in one of the following ways:

  • Visit the FEMA Flood Map Service Center.  The site allows you to search on an address and view flood hazard area determinations as well as map amendments. 
  • Visit Community Planning and Economic Development located at City Hall, 226 W 4th Street.
  • Call Community Planning and Economic Development at 563.326.7765.