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Cape Seal Program

Picture of cape sealing during the chip seal stage of the processA "Cape Seal” is the combination of two treatment methods, chip seal and micro-surface, to extend the life to asphaltic surfaced pavements.  In general, this treatment is used on pavements approximately 10 to 15 years old.  Cape seal addresses minor cracking, oxidation, mild rutting, and loss of friction.  Depending on traffic and the quality of construction, cape seal should extend the pavement’s life another five to seven years.  Cape seal also allows subsequent lesser treatments, such as micro-surface, at the end of the life of the cape seal to further extend pavement life.

Prior to cape seal applications, Street Maintenance crews or a contractor will perform minor maintenance to the street before cape sealing is applied.  Work under this program is prioritized from a list of streets identified as having the appropriate characteristics for cape sealing; available funding, age, traffic loading, bus/snow route and location are considerations in the prioritization process.


1200 E 46th St
Davenport, IA 52807